If you've been following along lately, I've returned back to the basics because I realized that many many many MANY of my readers are struggling when it comes to creating an online business.
For those of you that are killing it. Congrats! We're going to get back to our “regularly scheduled” program soon, but THIS series is all about the basics.
So far I've covered…
1. Finding a niche that you love and that's actually profitable.
2. Creating a business foundation for your chosen niche.
3. Monetizing your business.
Now today I want to talk about traffic.
Once you have the first three things in place then you're ready for traffic.
Or are you?
So the first lesson I want to give you in traffic is that you need to be ready for it.
Is the page your sending traffic to ready for traffic?
Does it look good? Is it easy to navigate? Does it have a strong call to action?
Whatever it is that you're sending traffic to (be it a squeeze page, a sales page, a blog post, etc) needs to have ONE job and that job needs to be clearly stated.
For example if you're sending traffic to a squeeze page. You need to make sure you've got a good offer there that people will actually WANT, and copy that makes them want to get it right NOW, and an easy way for them to get it.
So the first step in getting traffic is making sure whatever you're driving traffic to is READY and will actually work for you.
Why would you want to go through the effort of driving a bunch of traffic if what you have isn't going to get you the results you need!
Now the next step is deciding what route you want to go with getting the traffic.
This is where most people melt down and try EVERYTHING.
DO NOT do that.
Is what you need to do is understand there are basically three ways to get traffic.
1. You can buy it.
You can pay for ads on social networks, you can buy advertising space on sites that offer it in your niche, and the list goes on and on.
If you KNOW that what you have gets results (meaning people buy from you, or optin to your list, or whatever result you want) then this is a great option because you will be able to recoup your investment and then some.
However if you don't KNOW that what you have gets results then you're going to spend A LOT of money getting it all figured out.
My rule of thumb with paid advertising is that I wont use it unless I KNOW I have something that will get results.
2. You can borrow it.
When I say borrow I mean use the traffic that others can send you. This is where you'll get affiliates to send you traffic and you pay them a percentage of your profits, or pay them for actions their people take. There's a lot of ways to do this, but you need a product and an affiliate program.
3. You can mine it.
This is where most other traffic tactics live. This is where you are doing things to get the traffic. You're “mining” it. You're digging for it. Tactics like blogging, social marketing, guest blogging, SEO, YouTube marketing, and the list goes on and on and on and on.
And mining it is where 85% of you will be at.
Now the last thing when it comes to driving traffic…
No matter HOW you decide you're going to get it you need to make sure that you're doing SOMETHING to get traffic every single day.
If you're using paid advertising you need to make sure that your ads are working (stat checking), you need to be testing other ads against your ads to get them working better, you need too be looking for more places to advertise, etc.
If you're running an affiliate program you want to be working on reaching out to affiliates, creating new promotional tools, etc.
If you're mining it well that's hard to say because there's about a million different ways to mine it. π
But you get the idea here. You need to be doing something each and every day no matter how you're driving traffic.
Okay so let's wrap up our talk on traffic here.
When it comes to getting traffic you need to…
1. Make sure you have something that is ready for it.
2. Know how you're going to get it
3. Never stop getting it. When you stop driving traffic you stop getting results. PLAIN AND SIMPLE!
Need more help with getting traffic? Then I highly recommend you check out the Get An Online Business Workshop. Everything I just went over with you is covered WAY more in-depth in that workshop PLUS everything else we've covered over the last several days.
You can grab your seat at https://learningim.com/get-an-online-business-workshop-wp
Okay that's it for today. Tomorrow we're going to wrap this all up and I'm going to tell you what you need to be doing each day to run your online business.
Talk soon!