You Should Quit These Things In Your Business

And something I want to talk to you about today is quitting

I'm constantly telling you that you shouldn't quit, that failure isn't an option, and that you need to keep going. For the most part that is true, but there are some things that you and I are doing in our business that just aren't working and you need to QUIT those things.

Let me explain…

I've had a Twitter account for years. I've got over 2,000 followers on there, but I've NEVER been able to engage many of those people. If I can't engage those people they aren't clicking on my links, reading my stuff, buying anything, etc. I'm wasting my time over there!

So I'm quitting Twitter because it simply isn't working for ME. Doesn't mean it doesn't work for others, but it doesn't work for ME.

I recommend you take a look at the things in your marketing and see what isn't working for you and QUIT doing those things.

Facebook marketing both paid and just my regular things I do on there works great for me. Blogging works great for me. Webinars work great for me. Getting affiliates to promote my stuff works great for me. So if all of these things are working why waste my time on the things that don't?

Now I will be keeping my Twitter account because there are some things that I like about it. Like you can do a viral advertising campaign and get people to share your content on there and I eventually want to try out their paid advertising platform, but I'm not going to be tweeting or paying attention to the platform any longer. I can use that time to focus on the things that are WORKING in my business!

If you learn a tactic to market your business and you do everything you can with it to make it work and it simply just doesn't work for you then it's time to quit and either find something else to make work OR put more time into what IS working.

Before you give up though do make sure you're doing everything right with what you're trying and seek help to make sure you are! This is where a marketing coach can help you and if you need someone to look at what you're doing and tell you if you're doing it right I'd love to help you. Just grab a coaching minutes package from me at and we can get on the phone and I can help you!

So take a few hours today to look at all the things you're doing in your business to market it. What IS working? What is NOT working? Of what's NOT working what can you stop doing?

I'd love to hear your thoughts about this. Just leave them in the comments below…

To your success!


About the author


Liz Tomey is a crazy redhead with an entrepreneurial spirit that shines out in everything she does. Her teachings have helped many create online businesses that fund the extraordinary lives they love. Since 2004 Liz has created and successfully ran many different online businesses in several different niches and shares her passion for online business in hopes to change the lives of those who are searching for a life they truly want to live!

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1 Comment

  • I first thought Twitter was for celebrities to brag and roast each other AND the Kardashians and Big Brother houseguests with hashtags, lol. Then I realized I was watching too much tv and decided to be brave enough to check it out. Honestly, I was so confused about it that I read a couple blogs about it which further confused me so I finally just played with it. I’m NOT a big fan of Twitter. Instagram is my favorite social media platform right now and the reason is that I can see and read, like, comment, much more, even discover new blogs and other interesting websites, in less time than I wind up spending on FB doing the same stuff. Instagram is my favorite also because there’s a a picture with every post, I’m constantly reading positive words of inspiration & encouragement. I have MORE than ONE of those friends on FB that loves to KILL a good day for the REST of the world ☻So I find myself going back to IG more often nowadays.

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